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How to get lean, And NOT train like an Olympian ?!

Let’s talk about calories. These little devils that most of us are so eager to destroy, but at the same time cannot live without. Kind of ironic, right?

Do you know it will take you about 60 minutes of running just to burn down that 7 blocks of milk chocolate you ate?

Despite the sharp rise in obesity - especially in the Western world - many people neglect the importance of a good, stable diet. Even though hitting the gym 2-3 times a week has a beneficial effect on your body, more often than not, it is not enough if you want some actual results!

As far as calories are concerned, be very cautious of your daily intake or you may end up training as an Olympian in order to maintain healthy body fat percentage. What is more, healthier diet equals sound brain, and who doesn’t need his mind as sharp as a needle when pursuing his personal goals. Lastly, not eating a bar of chocolate is a way easier mental challenge for your brain than pushing weights for prolonged periods of time. After all, you better invest that time and stream of mental power into your career and relationships.

Do you know that constantly thinking (being obsessed in other words) about losing weight can have a detrimental effect on your immune and nervous system?

The apparent solution of that problem pops up right away! Why being so stressed up about burning down those calories when you can simply reduce their amount beforehand. Enjoy more low-calorie foods like fruits and veggies and always keep in check your calorie intake.

Nevertheless, another conundrum is troubling the vast majority of fitness tyros. After a few weeks of hard fitness training a huge percentage of people find their progress coming to a complete halt, as they are not able to achieve better form or endurance. The obvious question is why?

And again…the most common reason for this is nothing more but these 200-300 calories, which we do not have the will and perseverance to cut out from our diet. Therefore, before saying “Burn in hell calories”, consider saying “No” when you ponder on eating that last slice of pizza.

All in all, rising to the occasion when it comes to temptations and making the most of every bit of energy these little friends named calories provide you with, is the indisputable formula for success!

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