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My Second Meal of the Day

That is how my second meal looked like today.

Second high nutrition meal is something I have only in those days when I will train. If I am not training the second meal will be be much simpler and lower on Kcal.

I have listed the nutrition facts and sum them for you, that will make it very easy to see what the combined nutrition intake is :


1/2(100gr) - Avocado 160

150 gr - Mozarella Cheese 420

150 gr - Tomatoes 27

3 large - Eggs 211

2 Slices - Rye Bread with seeds 150 1 - Apple 85

Nutrition intake :

Calories - 160 + 420 + 27 + 211 + 150 = 968Kcal

Protein - 2g + 34g +1g + 18g + 6g = 61g

Carbs - 9g + 3.1g + 6g + 1g +15g = 34.1g

of witch Sug - 1g + 1,2g + 4g +1g = 7.2g

Dietary Fibre - 7g +2g + 2g = 11g

Fat- 15g + 25g +5g = 45g

of witch Sat - 2g + 17g +2g = 21g

P.S. I Eat my second meal around 10:30am - 11:00am

And that apple on the picture I will eat at around 12:00

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